Asda Mobile reduces EU roaming limit from 25GB to 5GB, also hikes pay as you go rates

By Adrian Vincent - 11 Aug 2022, 00:45 Asda Mobile reduces EU roaming limit from 25GB to 5GB, also hikes pay as you go rates

Following a similar announcement from giffgaff, Asda Mobile have announced they will reduce their fair usage policy (FUP) for EU roaming by 80%, from 25GB to 5GB.

The new policy will begin for all customers, new and existing, starting 26 September 2022.

For customers who have a regular allowance greater than 5GB, and go over the FUP when roaming in the EU, they will be charged 10p / MB.

The 10p / MB rate also reflects the newly announced pay as you go rates, which also come into effect from 26 September 2022.

Calls will now be 15p per minute, which is an 11p increase from the previous 4p rate.

Texts will rise to 10p, which is a 6p increase from the previous 4p / text.

Data will rise to 10p / MB, which is also a 6p increase from the previous 4p.

The new FUP isn’t surprising, considering Asda Mobile uses Vodafone for coverage, who announced EU roaming charges earlier this year. However, unlike Vodafone, EU roaming will still be free up to the FUP with Asda Mobile.

For more information, see our guide on EU roaming and Asda Mobile roaming.

About the author Adrian Vincent

As the founder and senior editor at CompareDial, Adrian Vincent is a renowned expert in all things related to mobile phones, and is particularly knowledgeable when it comes to helping consumers find the best contract deals. His expertise is widely recognised, with citations from leading news organisations and tech publications. Adrian is dedicated to guiding users through the complexities of the phone contract market, ensuring they receive unparalleled advice and secure the best value for their money.