Tesco Mobile to introduce EU roaming charges from 1 January 2023

In a turn of events, Tesco Mobile have secretly announced they will introduce EU roaming charges from 2023 onwards.
The news comes despite Tesco Mobile previously stating they will not introduce EU roaming charges, even after Brexit.
Customers who joined Tesco Mobile on or after 16 June 2022 will be charged for EU roaming beginning 1 January 2023, at 10p / MB for data and 55p / minute for calls.
For customers who joined before this date, they can continue to roam for free in the EU, as long as they do not renew or upgrade their contract.
Tesco Mobile have not released a press release to announce these changes. Rather, a small update has been made to their Home From Home page:
“For the rest of 2022, no extra charges in Europe and beyond. Use your phone just like you do at home, at no extra cost.”
New terms and conditions have also been published, with separate documents for customers who joined before 16 June 2022, and those who joined on or after this date.
Tesco Mobile have stated free EU roaming will remain for the rest of 2022. Customers can continue to use their regular allowance at no additional cost in 48 European countries, called 'Home From Home'.
Interestingly, O2, who power Tesco Mobile, do not charge for EU roaming. Furthermore, O2 have not announced any plans to introduce EU roaming charges.
The news follows recent announcements by EE, Vodafone and Three, who have all introduced EU roaming charges for their customers. Out of the 4 major networks in the UK, only Virgin Media O2 have not announced EU roaming charges.
For more information, see Tesco Mobile roaming.